Search "The Whorely Virgin" on Facebook and Youtube.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Fishy Fridays: hip hippo rom-com

Do you like it when I use my mouth?

#Safari #Hippo #MatusadonaNationalPark #LakeKariba #Zimbabwe #GoPro #RedBull 

@ Matusadona National Park, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe

The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:

This video on YouTube:


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Throwback Thursdays: Sux k thx

Nothing says "maturity" like having your website be part of a webring directory called "'N Sync 'N Sux" or "'N Sync 'Nduces Vomiting." I'd like to take credit for these names, but they're the brainchildren of much smarter, wiser women. (I tried to suggest NStink to replace 'N Sync but that was way OUT THERE).

Friday, May 17, 2019

Fierce Fridays: Kevin Richardson, The Lion Whisperer

Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys was my #1 Kevin Richardson until Kevin Richardson, The Lion Whisperer. He inspired me to work and walk with Big Cats myself, but they wouldn't quit playing games with my heart.

#Safari #Lion #LionEats #AntelopePark #Gweru #Zimbabwe #GoPro #RedBull #KevinRichardson #LionWhisperer

@ Antelope Park, Gweru, Zimbabwe

The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:

This video on YouTube:


Thursday, May 09, 2019

Throwback Thursdays: Chinese sweatshops

I've always been honest about being cheap and lazy. When I finally experienced my beloved Backstreet Boys in concert, I roasted the $92 CAD price per ticket and emptily promised to scan and upload pics. That's how fuming old I am. "Instagram" back then was a cheap Chinese sweatshop of manual labour.

Friday, May 03, 2019

Fierce Fridays: Rhino horns ain't make you horny.

Fuckers in China savagely kill rhinos for their horns because they think consuming the horns will make them horny and hard. Just so you know, rhino horns don't make men horny or hard according to science. But who the fuck cares about science or animals, amirite? 

#Safari #Rhino #RhinoBaby #KrugerNationalPark #Johannesburg #SouthAfrica #GoPro #RedBull 

@ Kruger National Park, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Whorely Virgin Channel on YouTube:

This video on YouTube:
